versión en español
Virgen de la Leche.Antón Peris.Museo BBAA.Valencia.

Breastfeeding in art

Virgen de la Leche.Antón Peris.Museo BBAA.Valencia.
Les âges de l´ouvrier.Leon Frédéric.Détail.1895-7.Musée d´Orsay.Paris.

Breastfeeding tips
The father

Les âges de l´ouvrier.Leon Frédéric.Détail.1895-7.Musée d´Orsay.Paris.

The father's presence during the physical contact and fondness of the nursing experience is a very important factor in the stimulation of the affective link among the mom, the baby and the dad.

The father must cooperate in the attention of the baby : to change diapers, to prepare the bath, to dress it, to load it, to stimulate it, to speak to it.......and........ .TO ENJOY IT WITH THE MOM

Nursing a baby is a natural and beautiful relationship among the mom, the son and the dad
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El Greco
Last revision (22-8-07)