versión en español
Virgen de la Leche.Antón Peris.Museo BBAA.Valencia.

Breastfeeding in art

Virgen de la Leche.Antón Peris.Museo BBAA.Valencia.

Religious art. Virgin and Child
Virgin of the Milk in Spain

Romanesque art
1.-Simple and austere forms.
Sobriety in the decoration.
2.-Worry for the symmetry and for the proportions.
3.-The homogeneous trend of the style for the frequent contacts (crusades and pilgrimage)

Tarrega´s Church.Lérida.

Tárrega Foundation.Archivo de la Corona de Aragón.1269

The Virgin of the Milk is a topic very common in Spain, and especially in Catalonia and the Valencian Community it is where the topic probably has the major number of pictorial representations.
The most ancient dated copy is probably, according to Trens, a miniature of 1.269 that adorns the letter of foundation of the Confraternity of the Virgin Mary and Santo Domingo of Tárrega's church (Lerida).The Virgin sat in a throne, has the aspect of a queen. For a neckline of the tunic she gives the breast to Jesus sat in her lap. The importance of the moment remains reflected by the presence of four Evangelists in the ends and for four archangels who seem to support the Virgin.

Amesbury Psalter.1240-50.All Souls College.Oxford.
Amesbury Psalter
Frontal de Rigatell.MNAC.Barcelona.
Frontal de Rigatellt
Also in the century XIII we found in psalter (the book of Salmes) of Amesbury an image with the Virgin nursing where she is again the mother who offers with her hand the breast to a boy seated in her lap. Also here, Jesus caresses the hand of his mother.This psalter represents well the English illumination around 1250
The frontal of Rigatell, conserved in the National Museum of Art of Catalonia (MNAC). This frontal presents in the central part a figure of the Virgin with a face of harmonic beauty and detailed graphical elements in its clothes. The boy does not seem to demonstrate no hunger by the natural food, having more preoccupation to maintain a book (spiritual food). This painting frames in the call Factory of Ribagorza, that it uses alive colors as well as narrative and anecdotal style..
Verge del Rebollet.Oliva.Valencia.Spain.
Verge del Rebollet
Verge de Llet.Hospitalet.
Verge de Llet.Hospitalet.
Trens,Manuel. "María.Iconografía de la Virgen y el arte español".Ed. Plus Ultras.Madrid.1946
Company,X. "Madonnas y Vírgenes".Ed.: Fundación Cultural de la Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo. 1995